I've decided to make a few tweaks to our current schedule and curriculum. The changes for our Schedule are pretty minor - just moving things around a bit. I've been researching and like Waldorf's philosophy of having a daily rhythm so our new schedule reflects that. The biggest change is while before we were more focused on time, now it’s about having a consistent flow to our days. For instance, before, if we got up late, we would skip/move around things in the schedule to play catch-up. Now we try to keep the daily pattern/flow intact regardless of time. This way we both know what to expect during the day. It’s only been a couple of weeks but it’s going really well…
Daily Rhythm:
Daily Rhythm:
- Mommy’s Early Morning Routine
- MunCee Wakes Up
- Breakfast
- Tot School Session 1
- Morning Nap
- Lunch
- Tot School Session 2
- Afternoon Nap
- Free-Play/Field Trip
- Outdoor Gym/Nature Walk
- Dinner
- Bath Time
- MunCee’s Bedtime
- Mommy’s Pre-Bedtime Routine
Weekly Rhythm:
- Monday: Planning Day
- Tuesday: Grocery Day
- Wednesday: Laundry Day
- Thursday: Cleaning Day
- Friday: Fun & Frolic Day
- Saturday: Anything Goes Day
- Sunday: Family Day
The other changes are related to our Curriculum. As in my previous post, we use a combination of several books and blogs to come up with something that works for us. The major change is that instead of a subject per day, we will do all subjects each day and the same activities all week. There may be minor variations to the daily activities but the key idea is repetition. We’ll also reintroduce Circle Time and use our morning session mainly for Educational Media and free exploration of our Tot Trays. So, here’s the new format…
Tot School Session 1
Circle Time:
- Welcome, Calendar, Weather & Action Songs
- Yoga
- Godly Character Trait
Educational Media:
- From our selection of DVDs – Letter Factory, Preschool Power, Preschool Prep, Sparkabilities, Signing Time, Trebellina, Themes to Remember, Your Baby Can Read
Tot Trays:
- New trays set out each week for free exploration
Tot School Session 2
- Practical Life
- Sensorial
- Language
- Math
- Culture
Library Time:
- Before Five In A Row (BFAIR)
I’m excited to see how this new approach works out! New posts will be labeled Tot School (instead of Teeny Tot School) to represent the updated curriculum.
I love this! Just found your blog as I was looking for ideas for Tot School with my 13.5 mos old girl. This post is really helping me as I struggle to know how and what to plan and how to keep it consistent day to day. Would love more info about how this rhythm works for you, what is involved in a school session etc. Will read more of your blog to learn more! :)