Theme of the Month:

SUMMER!!! ... we're having FUN in the Sun and cooling off at our Water Table!

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Teeny Tot School: Week 4 (Age: 14 Months)

We took a unexpected but "much needed" break from Tot School but things are better now so we're back! During our time off we still did a lot but none of the activities were really planned and I didn't document or take any pictures... but we're slowing getting back into our rhythm and are "SUPER" excited to be back!!!

Practical Life: This week we spent a lot of time playing with Stacking Rings. MunCee is getting much better at getting them on the ring. She got bored with this quickly so we had to moved on but reintroduced it several times during the week.

Sensorial: TThis The Color-of-the-Week ("COTW") was "yellow" so we explored our COTW bag. Another "not so exciting" activity... I need to get more creative with this one. 

Reading: We continued reading and exploring "The Runaway Bunny". MunCee's still not at the age where she wants to sit down to hear a story so we'll definitely re-read this when she's a bit older. She did learn the word "bunny" and can now identify "bunnies/rabbits" in other books, toys etc. Hope she doesn't ask for one when we visit the Pet Store ;-O

Math: Again no specific Math work this week. I'm slacking, I know! :-(

Culture & Exercise: We did Finger Painting for the first time and it was a "HIT". I wanted to just use "yellow" to go along with the COTW but she was having too much fun for that so we just kept adding colors. We did this activity for about 35 minutes.... so fun!!!!

Looking forward to next week!!!!

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