Theme of the Month:

SUMMER!!! ... we're having FUN in the Sun and cooling off at our Water Table!

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Tot School: Weeks 9 thru 19 (16 - 18 Months)

I can't believe how long it's been since our last post. It has been a BUSY Summer but so much FUN! MunCee is growing up so quickly and what a little chatterbox ;-) We have been trying to keep up with our Tot School sessions but it has mostly been in a very informal manner. And I've been terrible about taking pics... just terrible! Anyhew, some updates: 
  • Practical Life: MunCee is such a great little helper. She knows to put away her mat and clean up when she's done playing. She helps with emptying the dishwasher and dryer. She gets her own dishes at mealtime (we're working on setting the table) and we've been letting her pour her own water (still very messy but she gets a little better ever day). She even wipes her table and tries to sweep up the crumbs. She also  asks to wash her hands and brush her teeth about 10 times per day but I suspect that's because she absolutely loves playing in water!!!!
  • Sensorial: We're still working on colors. She recognizes blue and pink but she really acts like she knows them all! It's pretty funny watching her point to a yellow object and say "purple!" with such conviction! ;-) I made her a Color Mat this week and we've been having a lot of fun hopping and jumping to find the right colors. The mat was pretty easy to make and I have lots of ideas on how we can use it so you should see it featured quite a bit over the next few weeks.
  • Reading: MunCee is very verbal. She's been using almost complete sentences a lot lately. My favorite is "Bye, bye Mommy! I wub boo". For whatever reason "Bye, Bye" is ALWAYS followed by "I love you" :-). She's also mastered her "please"and "thank you" (the cutest is "Thank you berry much") and loves say "Oh boy!" Sight reading is going very well. We have not even been consistent with YBCR but she recognizes quite a few words. She also knows most of her letter sounds from Leapfrog's Letter Factory (she loves, loves, loves this DVD) and we're working on the alphabet. She still LOVES books so we read A LOT. I remember wishing for the day she would sit still for a entire story... it is so better than I ever imagined. I just love sitting and reading with her...
  • Math: The most amazing thing ever is that this Summer; MunCee learned to count to 11. We haven't really focused much on numerals during our Tot School sessions but we do count objects around the house and we've been counting to 20 every time we as we brush her teeth. So she must have absorbed more than we realized because one day she was counting to 3 and next day to 11. She tries to go all the way to 20  but she jumbles everything after 11. We sometimes watch a YouTube counting song that goes to 11 so maybe that's also helped. Anyway, Math has always been my favorite subject so I'd like to think she gets it from me! ;-0
  • Culture & Exercise: At 18 months, she is now running and jumping. Amazing (to me) considering she didn't walk until 13 months. She is also climbing EVERYWHERE... it's gotten to the point where we can't leave her out of our sight at all. She is just obsessed with climbing on everything. And what a creative little monkey she is!!! Reallllly hope this stage passes soon!
So that's it! Few random pics below for your viewing pleasure! Hope everyone had a wonderful Summer as well!

Muffin Tin Lunch

She picked out this ensemble - mismatched socks and all!

Jello & Cornstarch makes for a fun afternoon!

Our Color Mat

She found "pink" :-)

Sitting in her Sensory Tub!

She loves the outdoors!


Not quite ready for beading with string so we used straws.

Sorting, sorta! ;-)

Sharing her playroom with cousins!

Cousins! What an adorable bunch!

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